obj_info          109 addr2line.c    typedef struct obj_info obj_info_t;
obj_info          901 gc.c           static const char *obj_info(VALUE obj);
obj_info         1066 gc.c           	if (BUILTIN_TYPE(obj) == T_NONE)   rb_bug("check_rvalue_consistency: %s is T_NONE", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         1067 gc.c           	if (BUILTIN_TYPE(obj) == T_ZOMBIE) rb_bug("check_rvalue_consistency: %s is T_ZOMBIE", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         1075 gc.c           	    rb_bug("check_rvalue_consistency: %s is not WB protected, but age is %d > 0.", obj_info(obj), age);
obj_info         1079 gc.c           	    rb_bug("check_rvalue_consistency: %s is uncollectible, but is not marked while !gc.", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         1084 gc.c           		rb_bug("check_rvalue_consistency: %s is uncollectible, but not old (age: %d) and not WB unprotected.", obj_info(obj), age);
obj_info         1087 gc.c           		rb_bug("check_rvalue_consistency: %s is rememberd, but not old (age: %d).", obj_info(obj), age);
obj_info         1099 gc.c           	    if (!is_marking(objspace) && !mark_bit) rb_bug("check_rvalue_consistency: %s is marking, but not marked.", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         1199 gc.c           	rb_bug("RVALUE_AGE_INC: can not increment age of OLD object %s.", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         1787 gc.c           	if (RVALUE_AGE(obj) != 2) rb_bug("newobj: %s of age (%d) != 2.", obj_info(obj), RVALUE_AGE(obj));
obj_info         1790 gc.c           	if (RVALUE_AGE(obj) > 0) rb_bug("newobj: %s of age (%d) > 0.", obj_info(obj), RVALUE_AGE(obj));
obj_info         1792 gc.c               if (rgengc_remembered(objspace, (VALUE)obj)) rb_bug("newobj: %s is remembered.", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         1823 gc.c               gc_report(5, objspace, "newobj: %s\n", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         2121 gc.c           #define CHECK(x) if (x(obj) != FALSE) rb_bug("obj_free: " #x "(%s) != FALSE", obj_info(obj))
obj_info         3428 gc.c           			  gc_report(2, objspace, "page_sweep: free %s\n", obj_info((VALUE)p));
obj_info         3431 gc.c           			      if (RVALUE_OLD_P((VALUE)p)) rb_bug("page_sweep: %s - old while minor GC.", obj_info((VALUE)p));
obj_info         3432 gc.c           			      if (rgengc_remembered(objspace, (VALUE)p)) rb_bug("page_sweep: %s - remembered.", obj_info((VALUE)p));
obj_info         3441 gc.c           			      gc_report(3, objspace, "page_sweep: %s is added to freelist\n", obj_info((VALUE)p));
obj_info         4254 gc.c           		gc_report(2, objspace, "relation: (O->S) %s -> %s\n", obj_info(old_parent), obj_info(obj));
obj_info         4261 gc.c           		    gc_report(2, objspace, "relation: (O->unmarked Y) %s -> %s\n", obj_info(old_parent), obj_info(obj));
obj_info         4273 gc.c           		    gc_report(2, objspace, "relation: (O->Y) %s -> %s\n", obj_info(old_parent), obj_info(obj));
obj_info         4288 gc.c               if (RVALUE_MARKED(obj) == FALSE) rb_bug("gc_grey: %s is not marked.", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         4289 gc.c               if (RVALUE_MARKING(obj) == TRUE) rb_bug("gc_grey: %s is marking/remembered.", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         4315 gc.c           	    gc_report(3, objspace, "gc_aging: YOUNG: %s\n", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         4584 gc.c           	    rb_bug("gc_mark_stacked_objects: %s is not marked.", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         4777 gc.c           	    fprintf(stderr, "<%s>", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         4900 gc.c               fprintf(stderr, "[allrefs_dump_i] %s <- ", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         4923 gc.c           	fprintf(stderr, "gc_check_after_marks_i: %s is not marked and not oldgen.\n", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         4998 gc.c           	    fprintf(stderr, "verify_internal_consistency_reachable_i: WB miss (O->Y) %s -> %s\n", obj_info(parent), obj_info(child));
obj_info         5012 gc.c           		obj_info(parent), obj_info(child));
obj_info         5099 gc.c           		fprintf(stderr, "marking -> %s\n", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         5103 gc.c           	       page, rememberd_old_objects, obj ? obj_info(obj) : "");
obj_info         5108 gc.c           	       page, obj ? obj_info(obj) : "");
obj_info         5305 gc.c           			gc_report(2, objspace, "gc_marks_wb_unprotected_objects: marked shady: %s\n", obj_info((VALUE)p));
obj_info         5650 gc.c               gc_report(6, objspace, "rgengc_remember: %s %s\n", obj_info(obj),
obj_info         5656 gc.c           	if (RVALUE_WB_UNPROTECTED(obj)) rb_bug("rgengc_remember: %s is not wb protected.", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         5678 gc.c               gc_report(6, objspace, "rgengc_remembered: %s\n", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         5724 gc.c           			    gc_report(2, objspace, "rgengc_rememberset_mark: mark %s\n", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         5777 gc.c           	if (!RVALUE_OLD_P(a)) rb_bug("gc_writebarrier_generational: %s is not an old object.", obj_info(a));
obj_info         5778 gc.c           	if ( RVALUE_OLD_P(b)) rb_bug("gc_writebarrier_generational: %s is an old object.", obj_info(b));
obj_info         5779 gc.c           	if (is_incremental_marking(objspace)) rb_bug("gc_writebarrier_generational: called while incremental marking: %s -> %s", obj_info(a), obj_info(b));
obj_info         5786 gc.c           	gc_report(1, objspace, "gc_writebarrier_generational: %s (remembered) -> %s\n", obj_info(a), obj_info(b));
obj_info         5799 gc.c               gc_report(1, objspace, "gc_writebarrier_generational: %s -> %s (remembered)\n", obj_info(a), obj_info(b));
obj_info         5822 gc.c               gc_report(2, objspace, "gc_writebarrier_incremental: [LG] %s -> %s\n", obj_info(a), obj_info(b));
obj_info         5827 gc.c           		gc_report(2, objspace, "gc_writebarrier_incremental: [IN] %s -> %s\n", obj_info(a), obj_info(b));
obj_info         5833 gc.c           		gc_report(1, objspace, "gc_writebarrier_incremental: [GN] %s -> %s\n", obj_info(a), obj_info(b));
obj_info         5841 gc.c           		gc_report(1, objspace, "gc_writebarrier_incremental: [LL] %s -> %s\n", obj_info(a), obj_info(b));
obj_info         5881 gc.c           	gc_report(2, objspace, "rb_gc_writebarrier_unprotect: %s %s\n", obj_info(obj),
obj_info         5885 gc.c           	    gc_report(1, objspace, "rb_gc_writebarrier_unprotect: %s\n", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         5913 gc.c               gc_report(1, objspace, "rb_gc_writebarrier_remember: %s\n", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         5957 gc.c           	snprintf(ptr, 0x100 - 1, "%s|%s:%d", obj_info(obj), filename, line);
obj_info         6051 gc.c               gc_report(2, objspace, "rb_gc_force_recycle: %s\n", obj_info(obj));
obj_info         9234 gc.c           			     obj_info(me->owner),
obj_info         9235 gc.c           			     obj_info(me->defined_class));
obj_info         9292 gc.c           	return obj_info(obj);